Solar Choice’s ‘helper tool’ for adding solar & batteries to existing systems

There are nearly 2 million Australian households with solar panels installed on their roofs. Many of these households would like to add more solar and/or batteries to their systems, but the best path to accomplishing this is unclear, as there are a number of technical approaches that they could potentially take. If you’re in this situation, it may be difficult for you to sort through various sales pitches and conflicting pieces of information/advice to determine exactly what your options are for you.

We get questions about this sort of thing all the time, and depending on the customer’s circumstances, the answers are different. Through these conversations, however, we’ve managed to hone in on the three main variables that influence the options available to a given customer. Namely:

  • a) the age of the existing system;
  • b) the size of the existing system; and
  • c) the goals of the household (i.e. whether they want to add more solar, add batteries, or add both).

Expanding an existing solar system: Decision-making helper tool

This is a complicated topic, so we decided to put together a tool to assist you in knowing your range of options – and being better-positioned to make a decision.

By selecting different options in the tool linked below, the results (‘Your options’) will change accordingly, providing guidelines appropriate to the most common situations. While everyone’s circumstances are unique, we hope that this tool will help you to narrow down your choices to a manageable number of approaches (2-4).