Reminder: Deadline for Queensland 44c feed-in tariff is 30 June

Thousands of Queensland homes applied to be eligible for the state’s 44c/kWh Solar Bonus feed-in tariff scheme before it closed to new applicants on 9 July 2012. The scheme, which rewards those who export their solar power to the electricity grid to the tune of 44c per unit (or kilowatt-hour, kWh), is one of the most generous that Australia has ever seen.

Given its popularity, upon the announcement of the scheme’s impending closure, the government allowed over a year for those who made the cut to have their system installed. That deadline–30 June 2013–is now fast approaching. 

Those who have successfully applied for Queensland’s 44c/kWh feed-in tariff (to be in the range of 8c/kWh for those who apply for the scheme going forward) must have their system installed by 30 June to ensure access to the scheme, which will continue paying out to solar eligible solar households until 2028.

Even for those who did not make the application deadline for the 44c/kWh rate, solar systems remain popular. The main reasons for this are Queensland’s sunny climate, plus the fact that the cost of solar power has fallen dramatically in the last few years. On top of this is the fact that electricity prices continue to rise across the country–particularly in Queensland. By allowing homes and businesses to generate their own power instead of purchasing it from the grid, solar systems help to reduce the impact of ballooning power bills.

Interested in learning more about options for going solar in Queensland? Request a free Solar Quote Comparison by filling out the form to the right of this page, or call Solar Choice on 1300 78 72 73.

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