Commercial PV Price Index – August 2014

August 2014 marks the 4th month that Solar Choice has published pricing data for commercial solar PV systems (10kW, 30kW, 50kW, 100kW). As of yet there has been little fluctuation from month to month, with average dollar-per-watt pricing solidly in the $1.50-$1.60 range. Graphs detailing month-to-month pricing trends will be included from the September edition of this article series.

The tables below offer a look into pricing trends for commercial PV systems 10kW to 100kW in capacity, but it is important to note that they are by nature indicative only; the inherent complexity of design, installation and grid connection of larger systems means that there is rarely a one-size-fits-all solution.

Numbers in the table below include GST as well as the STC incentive available through Australia’s federal Renewable Energy Target (100kW is the upper capacity limit for STC eligibility). STCs contributed an effective system discount of approximately $0.70 per watt of installed capacity.

Table 1: Commercial solar PV system prices (average)

Solar Choice average commercial solar PV prices August 2014

Table 2: $/W commercial solar PV system prices (high, low, average)

Solar Choice Commercial solar PV system prices average high low August 2014

About this data

Tables and charts included in this article were compiled using data from Solar Choice’s installer network database, which contains regularly-updated pricing and product details from over 100 solar installation companies across Australia. Prices do not ordinarily incorporate meter installation fees or additional costs for difficult installations. The discount available to Solar Choice customers is also excluded from calculations, as are prices for ‘premium’ installer offerings. Median high and median low prices are the arithmetic averages taken from the range of high and low prices on offer across cities for each system size.

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